Open API v2 will be deprecated on April 3, 2023. Please begin transitioning to Open API v3 as soon as possible. As of September 29, 2022 all new apps will only be permitted to use Open API v3.

API Documentation



A user's account balance on Etsy.


Field Visibility Level Permission Scope Type Description
is_overdue private billing_r boolean True if the user has an overdue balance.
currency_code private billing_r string The currency unit in which the user is billed.
overdue_balance private billing_r float The total overdue balance owed by the user.
balance_due private billing_r float The total amount currently due for payment (including any overdue balance.)
total_balance private billing_r float The total amount owed by the user (including fees that are not yet due for payment.)
date_due private billing_r epoch The date by which the user's balance due must be paid.
date_overdue private billing_r epoch The date on which the user's balance became overdue.
Deprecated: do not use - always returns 0


This resource has no associations.



Method Name getUserBillingOverview
Synopsis Retrieves the user's current balance.
URI /users/:user_id/billing/overview
Name Required Default Type
user_id Y   user_id_or_name
Requires OAuth Y
Permission Scope billing_r

Open API v3New

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