Open API v2 will be deprecated on April 3, 2023. Please begin transitioning to Open API v3 as soon as possible. As of September 29, 2022 all new apps will only be permitted to use Open API v3.

API Documentation



A representation of an amount of money.


Field Visibility Level Permission Scope Type Description
amount public none int The amount of money represented by this data.
divisor public none int The divisor to render the amount
currency_code public none string The requested locale currency.
formatted_raw public none string The formatted amount without codes or symbols in the requested locale's numeric style, e.g. '10.42'.
formatted_short public none string The formatted amount with a symbol in the requested locale's numeric style, e.g. 'US$10.42'.
formatted_long public none string The formatted amount with a symbol and currency in the requested locale's numeric style, e.g. '$10.42 USD'.
original_currency_code public none string The original currency code the value was listed in (if the value has been converted).
Deprecated: Replaced by "before_conversion" (to be removed 15 February 2017).
before_conversion public none Money A representation of the value without currency conversion (if conversion has happened).


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This resource has no methods.

Open API v3New

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