Open API v2 will be deprecated on April 3, 2023. Please begin transitioning to Open API v3 as soon as possible. As of September 29, 2022 all new apps will only be permitted to use Open API v3.

API Documentation



Represents the policies for the shop in a more structured format.


Field Visibility Level Permission Scope Type Description
structured_policies_id public none int Unqiue identifier for the policies
payments public none Payment information for the seller.
refunds public none Structured refunds information for the seller.
shipping public none Structured shipping information for the seller.
create_date public none int
update_date public none int
create_date_formatted public none string
update_date_formatted public none string
has_unstructured_policies public none boolean True if the shop has previously filled out any unstructured policies.
additional_terms_and_conditions public none string
shop_in_germany public none boolean True if the shop is in Germany
char_limits public none Character limits for custom fields
privacy public none Privacy policy for the shop.


This resource has no associations.


This resource has no methods.

Open API v3New

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